


Download a factsheet to compare QGLDX performance as of the most recent quarter-end to the S&P GSCI® Index.

As of the most recent prospectus, the expense ratios for the Gold Bullion Strategy Fund are as follows: Investors’ Class (No Load), 1.39%; Class A, 1.39%; Class C, 1.99%.   The maximum sales charge imposed on Class A share purchases (as percentage of offering price) is 5.75%.   An additional 2% redemption fee applies to all share classes, including Investors’ Class, when shares are redeemed within 7 days of purchase.

Inception Date: July 8, 2013

The performance data quoted represents past performance. Past performance does not guarantee future results.

Investment return and principal value will fluctuate, so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted and assumes the reinvestment of any dividend or capital gains distributions.